9-13-23 Life Group Questions
^ Click Take A Note ^ Remember to write down some short notes for each of the questions below before heading to life group. You can also ^ Click Play ^ to watch or listen to Sunday's message.
Have our group turn the the page # and then share 1 thing that stood out to you from CHAPTER 2 of the Life Together BOOK. (Each Individual)
Pg. 50-51
"for many the Scripture reading consists only of a few, brief, selected verses which are to form the guiding thought of the day. But there can be equally little doubt that brief verses cannot and should not take the place of reading the Scripture as a whole. The verse for the day is still not the Holy Scripture which will remain throughout all time until the Last Day. Holy Scripture is more than a watchword. It is also more than "light for today." It is God's revealed Word for all men, for all times. Holy Scripture does not consist of individual passages; it is a unit and intended to be used as such."
Pg. 53-54
Through... "Consecutive reading of Biblical books... We become a part of what once took place for our salvation. Forgetting and losing ourselves, we, too, pass through the Red Sea, through the desert, across the Jordan into the promised land. With Israel we fall into doubt and unbelief and through punishment and repentance experience again God's help and faithfulness. All this is not mere reverie but holy, godly reality. We are torn out of our own existence and set down in the midst of the holy history of God on earth. There God dealt with us, and there He still deals with us, our needs and our sins, in judgment and grace. And only in so far as we are there, is God with us today also. A complete reversal occurs. It is not in our life that God's help and presence must still be proved, but rather God's presence and help have been demonstrated for us in the life of Jesus Christ. It is in fact more important for us to know what God did to Israel, to His Son Jesus Christ, than to seek what God intends for us today."
These quotes tell us that the bible is intended to be read and used as a whole and that we meet God and come to know God "there" on the pages of scripture in a more important way than we do "here" and now in our personal relationships with Him. If you struggle with the idea of more importantly our leaders would still definitely say primarily or foundationally or first. That is to say that to know the God of the Bible is the only way for you to truly know the God you serve today. What is bible reading for you? What is the purpose of the bible? How should individuals and families approach the bible daily/weekly/monthly? In what way does the bible serve the Christian? What is an appropriate level of biblical knowledge for every Christian? Is the amount of bible shared on Sundays @ The Way appropriate? Is the amount of Bible shared on Sundays @ The Way alone enough to sustain a believer? (Group Discussion)
In the scripture reading portion of Chapter 2 the idea of reading together and reading out loud were both addressed. Let's all read 2 Peter Chapters 1-3 together out loud with everyone taking a turn. We will put into practice what we've read about and as a community we will have read a whole book of the bible together. This is not a bible study with reflection and wrestling but rather just bible reading for tonight. (Group Reading)
Have one person read the middle paragraph on the second to last page of chapter 2 to the group. (Pg. 74) Everyone share with the group one person you need to ask forgiveness from and one person you need to give forgiveness to. No need to share the details if you do not want to and if time does not permit. Please finish up with group prayer for forgiveness received and forgiveness given. (Each Individual & Group Prayer)
* Remember to pray for each other before heading home from life group and to stay in communication here in the app throughout the week on your life group messaging thread!