10-2-24 Life Group Questions
^ Click Take A Note ^ Remember to write down some short notes for each of the questions below before heading to life group.
Share 1 thing that stood out to you about Sunday's Message (1 minute max please) Also press play button in image above to listen to Sundays message if you missed it or just to refresh your memory. (Each Individual)
Philippians 1:21-24
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith
On Sunday Pastor Vaughn talked about Paul having PTSD from all the sacrificing and suffering he experienced while sharing Jesus and caring for other believers. In that reality Paul still consistently chose to prioritize others rather than himself and his desires. There are many specifics that allow us to justify "The Way" of living Paul chose but some would say that this is Jesus' way of living and "The Way" Paul and all other Christians are called to live too.
As Young Adults the focus is usually on self and a spouse and building a life. For most, this is the stage in life where education and career take center stage. Relationships are expected to be heading towards marriage and friendships are expected to last a lifetime. If serious thought and effort isn't put into what you want and who you want to be your future can be something you endure rather than enjoy. The thought of living even some of your life as a Young Adult for the benefit of others sounds foreign. The thought of sacrificing or potentially suffering for others as a Young Adult probably even sounds unGodly to some of you. But what if the future and joy you desire is actually tied to living like Jesus and Paul and so many others?
Are you serving God for anyone else as a Young Adult? What would it look like (or does it look like) to serve God with others as as serious focus for you as a Young Adult? What is an appropriate level of sacrifice or suffering for others during this stage of your life? (Each Individual)
1 Corinthians 7:22
For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ.
On Sunday Pastor connected that verse with a clip from a movie that said:
“Sometimes when you win you really lose, and sometimes when you lose you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie you actually win or lose”
The story in Acts 16:25-34 where Paul and Silas are worshipping in prison and their shackles fall off along with the shackles of every other prisoner shows us that sometimes when you’re bound, you’re really free, and sometimes when you’re free, you’re really bound. The deciding factor isn't the shackles, but instead freedom is about who you are with.
Discuss areas of your lives that even though they are difficult (sometimes extremely difficult) they don't seem to be having the negative affect they would or do on others because Jesus is with you in that area. Discuss other areas where the negative affects are significant in your life and whether or not Jesus is actively with you in those areas? What does it look like for Jesus to be with you as opposed to not being with you? What are some practical ways to get Jesus more involved in all the areas of our lives? (Group Discussion)
* Remember to pray for each other before heading home from life group and to stay in communication here in the app throughout the week on your life group messaging thread!